Friday, April 27, 2012

"Education should open up vision, self-confidence"

Education should instil confidence to face life boldly, Justice V. Ramasubramanian, Judge, Madras High Court, told students of National College on Friday.
Utilise all opportunities to acquire knowledge to experience the benefits later in life, Justice Ramasubramanian said, addressing the 93rd college day celebration of the institution. The High Court Judge, who was the chief guest, emphasised that education should be delinked from employment and money, explaining how it (education) should open up the vision and self-confidence.
Interspersing his speech with humour, Justice Ramasubramanian narrated anecdotes from the lives of Swami Vivekananda, Socrates, and other philosophers who aimed at truth and confidence through education. Students ought to lend their support to their needy and downtrodden counterparts, he said. The chief guest honoured meritorious students and teachers in the presence of K. Raghunathan, college secretary, K. Anbarasu, principal, and A. Krishnamoorthy, controller of examinations. The principal presented the annual report for 2011-12.

Justice V. Ramasubramanian, Judge, Madras High Court, presenting award to an academic achiever at the college day celebration of National College on 21.04.2012.

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